


It’s been a while since i wanted to do some kind of abstract-weird-visual post like this.

I like it, it’s fun.

I’m listening to Bondax to inspire myself.

I’m off to Brazil tomorrow so i guess we’ll read each other at some time this week or the other.



2014: Start something

Hello fellow readers. It’s been certainly a while.

Having not written since october, i have to say that i really really really feel the need of doing it.

Anyways. Happy (late-ish) new year.


So as for this year, i just came down to the only resolution: DO.

Start doing stuff instead of daydreaming and thinking so much about them. I’ve been an observer for quite a long time in my life and for once, i really feel i should start DOING. I need facts in life, i don’t want it to become a chain of many “could have been”. I just need to move. To go out there in order to get what i want.

So I’m telling you, Wanda, and i’m telling YOU reader.

This is going to be the year of DO’s.

Who’s with me?